Zaire Ink
Zaire Ink is an emerging hip hop artist and co-founder of TWC, with deep roots in spoken word. He first got his start performing at local open mics and quickly went on to become a nationally recognized spoken word artist. Since that time, he discovered his old soul and velvet voice over smooth storytelling instrumentals more fully capture the essence of his charm.
His passion for crafting witty lyrics with an intriguing flair, while exploring topics such as masculinity, street survival, youth struggles and relationships, have made him a definitive act to watch moving forward. Known for his transparency and genuine forwardness, Zaire believes very firmly that the truth can change the way we speak about our narratives; turning our messes into our messages and our tests into our testimonies.
After leaving university prematurely in the fall of 2015, watching his parents separate in 2016 and jumping out of a car in that same year, Zaire saw firsthand how quickly life could unravel. From that point on he resolved to give his all to create transformative art for those earnestly in search of truth, knowledge and wisdom, in a time when people are encouraged to enjoy passing pleasures rather than pursue eternal treasures.